Kids and Mobile phones a dangerous friendship

Kids and Mobile phones a dangerous friendship

Off late we often come across kids as young as a year or even younger using mobile phones, listening and watching rhymes and videos in them. Their parents feel equally happy because they think their baby is learning things faster and getting technologically advanced. Specially in kids younger than teenagers the electronic device is for gaming; it can be a 6-year-old kid who is an adherent fan of candy crush or a 9-year-old who wants to keep playing Minecraft and Roblox with his online friends. Most of the times these online friends are unknown people, but the child feels them real and close than family and relatives present in flesh and blood. In this article I will share views on how Kids and Mobile Phones-A Dangerous Friendship.

These kids don’t belong to a particular financial class, from rags to riches whoever has a mobile and a kid this kind of friendship blooms. And in a fast-growing country like India the danger of mobile addiction is knocking on almost every door. When the electronic device start taking control of the child’s life, his mood swings, his performance in school, his interest in sports and hobbies reduced. it’s a parent’s responsibility not just to get worried but take majors to wean the child off from these digital devices.

When the child starts talking only about these games, is glues to the smart phones for a very long time, becomes more interactive with his online imaginary friend, wants lonelier time is when you need to get alert. Before taking harsh decisions analyses behaviour of the child, what changes have gradually happened in his day-to-day activities, try restricting his mobile time and see how he reacts does he get hyper, kids start showing signs of craving.… and if so it’s time to take action. Kids feel important, have sense of achievement when they cross levels of different games, and when their online friends appreciate them.

Kids now a days are under equal stress as their elders, not having a phone or not playing a particular game can be an identity crisis or reason for shamming by friends. Sometimes we only think from our perspective but if you really want to help your child, please try and understand why he does it, why is it so important for him.

The child might be under a huge peer pressure to have a mobile phone with the latest technology and design and to come online to play a particular game. There are so many social games like clash of clans, clash royale, Minecraft, school of chaos etc.

At some point of time as a Parent you gave him acceptance because you were busy and you thought this as convenient and safe way of engaging the child. When you know that the damage has been done, or the child is sitting on the fence, please hold his/her hand.

 Remember as a parent you are still in charge.
 Bring simple changes in your and his/ her lifestyle
 STOP your own dependability on electronic devices-Remember basics of parenting. Kids don’t follow what you say, they follow what you do. So please show them that there can be life without these devices.
 Speak to them-Have healthy conversations, LISTEN to them. More they share, they would feel involved, and they will feel wanted.
 Don’t make them feel punished-By snatching away their phones/ tabs start with Setting boundaries and limits the time they can spend online. Ask them to use their internet time judicially.
 Play with kids-Get involved in indoor and outdoor activities, your 15-20 mins can kill that urge of holding the tab again. Because you never know if the child is going totally into a wrong space and if he is being cyber bullied, his online friends are asking him to take up self-harming challenges. He/she can’t share these with you because either he thinks you are a noob and won’t understand or you might just over react and Shout at him/her. So, be patient, don’t get aggressive it will make the matters only worst. Try to converse let the child open up. Communication always works. The child is yours, Make him/her believe that he can bank on you.Mobile is addiction and it cannot be fought without families help. Stand with your child. Together you can.

Toddlers are the cutest god’s creation who needs love, attention, and care. They are not fully grown to differentiate between good and bad things. This is a parent’s responsibility to stop the attraction of their babies toward technology and try to indulge them in various other games and activities which can sharp their mind and thinking ability.

Parent-baby bonding:

The connection between parents and children gets, more they get strong just after birth. The more they spend time together, the more they strengthen their relationship. Spending hours on mobiles do not give them time to make close bonding.

Lack of creativity:

Toddlers do not get the opportunity to do anything new as they stay busy with mobile phones. It kills their creative mind which is one step towards an unsuccessful life.


Addiction to anything is very bad. If at very small age babies will get phone addiction then imagine their further life.


Strictly avoid giving these wireless technologies which generate radiation to your children and try to get them to indulge in various other activities that can help them in the physical and mental growth. When you and your family members are not using the Wi-Fi then turn off it to reduce the exposure of radiation. While spending time with your babies turn flight mode on to avoid the high-frequency radiation. Try not to use the phone when you are with your kids. This will help you to distract toddlers from the attractive lighting of mobiles and smartphones. If in any case, you have to use the cell phones then try to maintain the distance with your baby. Play with your babies, give them time, and spend some quality gaming hours to make them creative.

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