10 Common Questions Asked to Parents in School Interviews with Answers

10 Common Questions Asked to Parents in School Interviews with Answers

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1. Why have you chosen our school?

2. Can you tell us about your child?

3. What are your expectations from the school?

4. How do you plan to support your child’s education at home?

5. Does your child have any special needs or require specific support?

6. How do you discipline your child at home?

7. What are your child’s strengths and areas for improvement?

8. How do you handle challenges or conflicts that may arise?

9. How do you encourage your child’s love for learning?

10. Do you have any questions for us?

How to Prepare for a School Interview as a Parent



When it comes to enrolling your child in a new school, the parent interview is just as important as the child’s performance. Schools use these interviews to get to know you and understand your values, expectations, and how you plan to support your child’s education. It is natural to feel nervous, but with the right preparation, you can approach the interview with confidence. In this blog, we will explore common school interview questions for parents and how to answer them effectively.

1. Why have you chosen our school?

This is one of the most common school interview questions for parents. The interviewer wants to understand your reasons for selecting their institution. Here is your chance to talk about what you like most about the school.

Sample Answer:

“We’ve chosen this school because of its strong academic reputation and focus on holistic development. We also appreciate the school’s commitment to extracurricular activities and the supportive community it fosters. We believe this environment will help our child grow both academically and personally.”

2. Can you tell us about your child?

Among the many questions asked of parents in school interviews, this one gives you a chance to highlight your child’s strengths and personality. Keep it honest but positive.

Sample Answer:

“Our child is very curious and loves learning new things, especially in science. They enjoy reading and are particularly interested in animals. They are also kind, empathetic, and always willing to help others. We’re proud of how responsible they are with schoolwork, and they have a strong sense of teamwork, especially when playing sports.”

3. What are your expectations from the school?

Schools want to know what your priorities are as a parent. This is one of the school admission interview questions where you should express what you hope your child gains from their education.

Sample Answer:

“We expect the school to provide a balanced education, focusing not only on academics but also on character development and critical thinking. We hope the school will nurture our child’s individual strengths and help them develop socially, emotionally, and academically.”

4. How do you plan to support your child’s education at home?

In school admission interviews, this is a common question. Schools want to ensure that parents will actively participate in their child’s learning journey.

Sample Answer:

“We believe in maintaining an open line of communication with teachers and the school. At home, we ensure our child has a structured time for homework and reading. We also encourage curiosity by exploring their interests outside the classroom, whether through educational trips, reading, or engaging in discussions about what they learned at school.”

5. Does your child have any special needs or require specific support?

This is one of the parent interview questions for school admission designed to understand if the school needs to provide additional resources to help your child succeed.

Sample Answer:

“Our child does not have any special needs. However, we believe that every child has their own learning pace, and we would appreciate any guidance on how we can support our child’s academic growth if they face any challenges.”

6. How do you discipline your child at home?

Discipline plays a big role in your child’s behavior at school, so expect this to come up as one of the school interview questions with answers. Schools want to know your approach to teaching your child about responsibility and boundaries.

Sample Answer:

“At home, we believe in setting clear expectations and using positive reinforcement. We encourage open communication and always explain why certain behaviors are unacceptable. If a mistake is made, we discuss it and focus on learning from it, rather than punishment.”

7. What are your child’s strengths and areas for improvement?

This is a key question during parent interviews for school admission. It’s essential to be honest and provide a balanced view of your child.

Sample Answer:

“Our child is very creative and has a keen interest in art. They are also good at solving problems and thinking outside the box. One area we’re working on is helping them manage their time better, especially when balancing schoolwork with other activities.”

8. How do you handle challenges or conflicts that may arise between your child and teachers or peers?

This question seeks to understand your conflict-resolution approach and your attitude toward supporting the school’s discipline policies.

Sample Answer:

“We believe in open and respectful communication. If an issue arises, we would first try to understand the situation from both our child’s and the teacher’s perspectives. We believe in working together with the school to find solutions that are fair and in the best interest of everyone involved.”

9. How do you encourage your child’s love for learning?

Schools love to see that parents are actively fostering a love for learning beyond the classroom. This is one of the school interview tips for parents—show enthusiasm for your child’s curiosity.

Sample Answer:

“We encourage our child’s love for learning by creating a stimulating environment at home. We visit museums, read books together, and encourage our child to ask questions. We also introduce them to educational games and activities to make learning fun and engaging.”

10. Do you have any questions for us?

This question is almost always asked, and it’s an important part of preparing for school admission interviews. It shows your interest in the school and the education your child will receive.

Sample Answer:

“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to meet with you. We’re curious about how the school fosters creativity and critical thinking in its students. Can you also share more about how the school supports students who may need extra academic help?”

How to Prepare for a School Interview as a Parent

Preparation is key when attending a school interview. Here are a few tips to help you get ready:

1. Research the School: Learn about the school’s values, curriculum, and extracurricular offerings. Tailor your answers to align with what the school prioritizes.

2. Practice with Your Child: If your child will also be interviewed, practice some questions together so they feel comfortable answering them on their own.

3. Stay Calm and Positive: Approach the interview with a positive attitude. Schools want to see that you are confident and supportive of your child.

4. Be Honest and Genuine: Avoid giving rehearsed or exaggerated answers. Authenticity goes a long way in making a good impression.


Going through school admission interview questions can seem daunting, but with the right preparation and mindset, you can approach the process confidently. These interviews are not just about assessing your child but also about understanding how you, as a parent, will support their educational journey.

By answering these school interview questions with answers thoughtfully and genuinely, you can leave a positive impression and increase the chances of securing a place for your child in the school of your choice.

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