The Importance of Co-curricular Activities in Schools

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The Importance of Co-curricular Activities in Schools

In the constantly changing landscape of school education, the emphasis is moving beyond traditional classroom instruction. Co-curricular activities are being emphasised more and more in all modern schools as an essential part of a well-rounded education. These co-curricular pursuits foster a well-rounded development that transcends the confines of classroom, textbooks and tests.

Students at NewAge World School, one of the best schools in North Bangalore, are offered a wide range of co-curricular activities integrated with the regular curriculum with a holistic approach. 

New Age World school believes in freeing the child from shyness and inhibitions, from rote learning, from the fear of failure, from the routine and boredom of meaningless learning, and from the stress of learning itself.

It is for this reason that the approach towards learning is different in this institution. As one of the best ICSE schools in North Bangalore, an hour every day is set aside in the regular school timetable for outdoor games so that the mind, body and spirit can be in harmony. In addition to this, regular visual arts, performing arts such as music, speech and drama, dance, yoga and martial arts are practised regularly. Children also play badminton, basketball, football, tennis and swimming. The school gives equal emphasis to both physical and academic training as it believes that these two aspects of the human system are interdependent.

Engaging in co-curricular activities offers several advantages for students:

Holistic Development:

NewAge World School understands the value of fostering a student's holistic development in addition to their academic success. Co-curricular activities are essential for developing a child's social skills, emotional intelligence, and leadership qualities, among other aspects of personality development. 

A child’s social development is keenly observed by the facilitators through group discussions and presentations. 

Co-curricular activities give students the chance to interact with people outside of their immediate social circles and to connect with peers who share their interests yet come from diverse background. 

Further the school considers this as the initial stage in a student’s life where deep rooted interest is developed into a hobby that can give lifelong gratification.

Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity:

Co-curricular activities serve as a link between students from various backgrounds. Students gain an appreciation for and celebration of diversity through group projects and cooperative learning experiences. 

Students automatically get trained in problem solving, an important 21st century skill.

Skill Enhancement:

Students at New Age World School develop various skills such as collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking, digital literacy, understand sensitivity and have balanced emotions.


Students who engage in co-curricular activities have a constructive outlet for pent-up energy and tension. Along with engaging in physical activities like athletics, students often turn to a range of artistic media such as theatre and music to unwind and rejuvenate. This therefore has a positive impact on their mental health.

Academic Achievement

Numerous studies indicate that engaging in interests-based activities help students' brains operate better, which improves their academic performance.

Higher self-esteem

Engaging in co-curricular activities gives students a platform to present their skills and accomplishments. Students' confidence and self-esteem are increased when they earn praise for their efforts and accomplishments in competitions and public performances. They learn to respect and believe in themselves because of this encouraging feedback.

At New Age World School, small successes both in the classroom and outside are recognised to boost the child’s confidence.

Time management

Children who engage in co-curricular activities develop the ability to set priorities for their daily work, making sure that co-curricular and academic activities receive the same importance. enhancing their capacity for effective time management.

Management and Responsibility: 

Students participating in sports can be expected to fulfil leadership responsibilities, develop compassion, understanding, discipline and sportsmanship sprit. From these interactions, students learn how to make decisions, communicate effectively, and feel responsible for their actions.

Physical well-being: 

Students who play co-curricular sports can maintain an active lifestyle. Regular exercise has been connected to improved sleep, higher energy in stages of development and mental well-being.

Investigate Interests: 

It has been proven that co-curricular activities are a useful tool for assisting children in pursuing their interests. Children might explore new hobbies and interests that might not be viable to pursue inside the academic curriculum.

Breaks Class Room Monotony:

NewAge World School believes in going beyond the text books and classrooms. Hence co-curricular activities scheduled in the time table in between regular teaching classes breaks the monotony of continuously being present in the classroom.

College and Career Readiness:  

Organizations and institutions are looking for applicants with a lot of skill units and a balanced profile in addition to educational knowledge. People who participate in co-curricular activities have a significant edge when applying for higher studies and jobs. In an extremely competitive field, candidates with exhibited initiative, zeal, and drive stand out.

In conclusion, it is impossible to exaggerate the value of co-curriculars activities in schools. These pursuits serve as the sparks for a complex growth that extends beyond scholastic success. The real purpose of education is to create people who are capable of handling the challenges of a globalized world and who possess social awareness, cultural sensitivity, and academic proficiency.

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