Why Does Your Child Needs A School That Is Empowering?

Why Does Your Child Needs A School That Is Empowering?

Teachers and parents both wish to provide the best education for their children in order to prepare them for a bright and promising future. But achieving that goal requires more than just excellent classroom teaching and focused studying. In order to feel like they can achieve their full potential, children must also build their confidence, courage, and personal strength. The key to understanding and harnessing students’ potential is empowerment, regardless of what discipline they study, what they are interested in, or when they transition into the adult world. At NewAge, the Best ICSE School in North Bangalore, we believe that children can excel by nurturing their strengths and letting them know that setbacks and failures are part of life.

What is empowerment?

The concept of empowerment is about helping your child develop their belief in their abilities in a way that encourages positive growth. As children progress through their school years and then into adulthood, they will need to draw strength from within and have self-confidence to meet and overcome challenges. As you help your child to become empowered, you’ll be helping them meet academic and personal challenges with a solid foundation that will enable them to succeed.

Our individual and collective perspectives change with time, according to shifting cultural norms, shared historical experiences, and advances in technology. Our social and economic environment evolves as small changes accumulate. It is not uncommon to see national or global issues and challenges. While some issues unite communities, others divide them and still others redefine their goals.

During the crucible of culture’s significant events, youth emerge into adulthood with a generational identity. In some cases, young people become leaders when they frame issues with honesty free of the excuses accumulated over the course of previous generations. People across cultures and generational barriers are inspired to connect by these emerging leaders.

Youth advocacy for a wide variety of issues has proven to be extremely successful over the past several years and even just in the past few weeks. Young people have shown that they are capable of promoting big ideas and driving change, whether it’s Greta Thunberg’s call for environmental action or Malala Yousafzai’s advocacy for girls’ education or Parkland, Florida teens leading a march demanding gun control measures.

Examples like these are not exceptions. In order to have a healthy social and civic dialogue, adults must recognize that children can and should participate. There’s no better time than the present to acknowledge that aspiring writers and readers have valuable insights. To enable them to take action, we must give them the chance to share their ideas and express their opinions.

A caregiver can help children become better thinkers, problem solvers, and doers when they work with young people. It is important to give children a choice so they can make choices for themselves. To encourage voice and advocacy for both their needs and those of others, we need to encourage sharing and advocacy. Our kids’ desire to give back to the world has to be sown, nurtured, and followed. This kind of growth and development can occur at both home and school.

Finding the best school in your area is likely to turn up many results, but you should look for one that doesn’t just rank highly but also empowers your child to succeed.

The choice

Introducing the idea that children can shape their lives at a young age can empower them. At NewAge the Best International School in North Bangalore, children can learn that their feelings, thoughts, and opinions are valued with subtle shifts in the way options are presented to them. Their interactions with the world are enhanced when they feel as though they have choices in how they live. Children feel empowered when they are capable of influencing how and when assigned tasks are completed or when they can determine whether work will be completed individually or collaboratively. The differences between kids and adults may seem insignificant to adults, but to them they are big.

At School:

Teachers may offer their students the option of sitting in a chair or on the carpet to complete an assignment at a basic level. Depending on what they do, students may have options regarding when particular tasks are completed. A PowerPoint presentation, written report, or creative diorama may be appropriate presentation methods for older students. These options allow students to accomplish the same learning objectives in different ways.


Those days are gone when children were merely seen and not heard. Children must be taught not only how to share their thoughts and opinions constructively with those around them, but also why their thoughts and opinions matter to society. Children can develop their voices by being included in conversations. Taking time to listen to them will enhance the power of their voice.

At NewAge World school the Best ICSE School in Yelahanka, we believe with age children’s voices can become a valuable tool for self-development. Kids come to understand who they are, what they believe in, and how to accept their identity when their thoughts and opinions are heard, respected, and validated.

At School

Providing opportunities for kids to practice using their voice by facilitating learning experiences that encourage them to talk to one another. Educators can help students communicate their ideas and opinions through experiences like these. Active listening can be modelled by teachers, or they can provide examples of the benefits of fully expressing an opinion or making a connection to what another has shared. It is always a good idea to include students in individual planning meetings or learning conferences to bolster the development of voice. Learning preferences and tools are often unique to each student, and they may be the key to greater success.

At NewAge World school the Best International School in Bangalore, we believe students have the opportunity to learn and practice their voice through writing. You may encourage young children to write notes home to their families as reminders of upcoming celebrations at school or pyjama days. The idea that kids can obtain and share important information is emphasized through this type of task.


Making the world a better place does not require waiting until children grow up. They can make a big impact now and in the future. It is often the children who are more aware of the issues and the path forward than the adults are. The size of the problem is not an issue nor are they discouraged by historical inertia. Children often ask “Why can’t things change when adults say they can’t? Their capability and desire to make change must be recognized, so they can be empowered and their advocacy isn’t dismissed with the refrain to “wait until they’re older”.

At School

In an age-appropriate manner, you should introduce young students to big issues. Through books and other multimedia, you can share the experiences of people who have used their lives to make a difference in the world, answer your questions and provide information. Involve students in brainstorming the actions they can take for advancing a cause they are passionate about. You can also assist students in finding accessible ways to participate in global movements that support the causes they believe in. Organizing a small protest march during the school day or organizing a letter-writing campaign can accomplish this.

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