Why Is It Important for Schools to Have Extra-curricular Activities?

Why Is It Important for Schools to Have Extra-curricular Activities?

Extra-curricular activities are an amazing way for children to know more about the world around them. It is significant for the children to have been given an outlet for their extra enthusiastic energy & curiosity so that they can be growing into well-rounded & healthy adults who have a wide range of knowledge & experiences. However, more than just having fun, extra-curricular activities also teach the children how to be social in different circumstances, which will assist them later in life when they enter the workforce. Get your child enrolled in one of the Best Schools in Yelahanka. At NewAge World School, you would never have to worry about anything. We have tons of different extra-curricular activities available to always excite the kids with the kinds of events that take place grandly at our school.

Why are Extra-curricular Activities in school important for Kids?

Extra-curricular activities can assist them in building their social skills & also learning how to work in a team to achieve a shared goal. These activities help the children to discover varying areas of interest, build their self-confidence, grow their leadership skills & even improve their grades. Make sure to get your child admission to one of the Best Schools in Hesaraghatta. NewAge World school has been called a place of having multiple feathers in their hat & always excelling in making a kid's future bright.

Benefits of extra-curricular activities in school for children:

1. They learn leadership skills.

They have the chance to have a position of responsibility and see that their actions can impact others. Even if they have a small group to lead, it is significant for them to understand that people are looking up to them as leaders. They have something positive to contribute always.

2. They build critical thinking skills

Even if they gather data for their project or look up facts on the web, children would know how to use a search engine efficiently. Choose that information that best fits the assignment's criteria and weed out the duplicate data.

3. They get practice working in groups.

Learning how to progress together is a vital life skill to learn. Many chapters in school aim to incorporate some unavoidable skills in students; whether to discuss books in their class or build a basketball team in PE. Working in a group will boost up their confidence & also allow them to feel good about themselves when they experience success.

How Can You Help?

According to studies, it is shown that extra-curricular activities also assist kids in improving their grades for academic aspects grow their self-esteem. The important thing to keep in mind is the word "extra" in extra-curricular as it means it is not something necessary to do, but rather it would benefit you. There are generally afterschool activities like literature, sports, music clubs & drama clubs which children take up before or after school hours.

For this to be successful, parents have to keep a check on what their children are doing so that, in the end, they do not get overwhelmed with all of the activities happening at once. They also have to be aligned with the teachers and make sure that there aren't any disagreements between school & extra-curricular activities at different times of the day.


In the end, we would like to conclude by saying, "Never give up on what you want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts. ― Albert Einstein" We should never give up on our dreams and always love whatever we are doing. It is vital to support your child in taking up extra-curricular activities. Even if they do not have fun doing them first, you have to encourage them and tell them how much talent they hold for that activity. Support children with what interests them so that they will know what suits them and all exposure they experienced throughout the years in a time of their job.

At NewAge World School, we give importance to the extra-curricular as we do with studies. We have varied activities all across our school. We are known to be one of the Best Schools around Yelahanka. At NewAge World School, we always encourage our kids to become a part of extra-curricular activities to help them develop & grow better.

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