Curriculum Head

NewAge World School is a progressive school nestled in a serene location of North Bangalore offering world class education in line with the demands and needs of present day requirements. The School under the able guidance of the Management has created a dynamic environment for holistic teaching-learning process, thus realizing its vision ‘to set the child free.”

"We learn by example and by direct experience because there are limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction." -Malcom Gladwell

Recognizing the need to support verbal instruction through visual and experiential learning, the Management has set up the specialized Department NDEE (NewAge Department for Excellence in Education) headed by Alamelu Subaraman popularly known as ‘Sudha’ to contribute to the holistic development of every child.

An Arts graduate from Madras University, Sudha persued her interests in Fine Arts, Interior Design, Courses in Education, Education Administration and Management besides participating in Teacher Development Conferences during her stint at the American International School. Her specialization is in Instructional Design and integration of technology in education which has strengthened and navigated the NDEE at NewAge. She has considerable experience in teaching at the pre-primary, primary and secondary stages, and in initiating student oriented programmes in reputed institutions.

The NDEE under Sudha’s guidance has evolved significantly in its endeavor to provide technological support to Instructional Design. Over the years, NDEE besides designing quality learning programmes has also developed in-house learning material to benefit both the educator and the educand.

Hence, we are sure that NewAgeans will be life-long learners, equipped with adequate knowledge, skills and values to face the world with confidence.

Mrs. Sudha, Curriculum Head at NewAge World School, fostering holistic education at one of the best ICSE schools in North Bangalore.

Mrs. Sudha