NewAge School Events


Grade 1 Trip to Farm

Most children do not really know where food comes from, a visit to the farm will expose them and make them understand the origin of what they eat. They will learn how crops are grown and where meat comes from. The explanation for the same will be age appropriate to help them understand accordingly. At NewAge, we believe farms are magical places for children to learn about large vehicles, freshly grown fruits and vegetables and animals of all sizes, there’s a host of things to see and do there.

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Hidden Treasure – Skit

Learning to act and drama skills can help children develop their speech, communication and presentation skills, which are vital skills for anyone! Creative children can view things in new ways and from different perspectives. They can think on their feet and generate new ideas. Our child-led approach to improvisation and pretend play encourages the development of creativity as children lead the direction of the drama and skit themselves, come up with solutions to problems in role, and respond imaginatively to a range of situations.

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Interact Club of NewAge - Rotary

At NewAge we believe, teaming up with Rotary develops character and brings out the best of the human spirit. It teaches people ethics, humanity, cultural awareness, people skills and the desire and ability to serve. Rotary creates a more positive environment for promoting world understanding and peace.

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Inter House Football

The Inter – House activities give all students the opportunity to participate in representative sport and other activities with the aim of raising self-esteem, developing self-confidence and giving opportunities for leadership and teamwork beyond those already available within school. At NewAge, we believe inter house football competition helps inculcate the spirit of healthy competition among students and encourage it within school.

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International Day of Yoga

Yoga is a multi-faceted tool that offers multiple benefits to not just adults but even the younger ones. Apart from keeping them fit and healthy, it also provides them with knowledge and a broader outlook towards life. On this occasion, our children at NewAge performed various yoga asanas to help children to learn self-control, enhancing their focus and awareness. When children become accustomed to practicing yoga postures, they automatically improve their ability to concentrate.

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Investiture Ceremony

The Investiture ceremony signifies the reliance and confidence that the school consigns in the newly invested office bearers. Donning the mantle of accountability, they also pledge to bestow their duties to the best of their abilities. We believe that the child centric approach will frame a responsible citizen. The ceremony was held with lots of zeal and zest. It was commenced with the lighting of the lamp which signifies removal of darkness.

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